Writeup Elements - re - 0ctf 2019 quals

Hello friend.

We were given a ELF file Elements By running it I found that it is some kind of flag checker. I used IDA to decompile it

And I recognize the following:

  • Flag’s length is 44 and its format is flag{XXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}
      if ( length >= 44 && (*(_QWORD *)flag & 0xFFFFFFFFFFLL) == "{galf" && v27 == '}' )
  • There are three parts inside the brackets, each part is a hexadecimal number
      while ( strlen(part) == 12 )
      v10 = *part;
      v11 = 0LL;
      if ( *part )
          v12 = *__ctype_b_loc();
          v13 = 1LL;
          v11 = 0LL;
          v14 = v10;
          v15 = v12[v10];
          if ( (char)v14 <= 102 && v15 & 0x400 )
              v16 = v14 - 0x57;
              if ( !(v15 & 0x800) )
              goto LABEL_31;
              v16 = v14 - 48;
          v11 = v16 | 16 * v11;
          if ( v13 > 11 )
          v10 = part[v13++];
          while ( v10 );
  • The first part is 391BC2164F0A
      if ( !v9 && v11 != 0x391BC2164F0ALL )
  • The second and third part is the solution of this system of equations
          part 1 is x, part 2 is y, part 3 is z
      if ( y <= x || z <= y || x + y <= z )
      v19 = y * y + x * x - z * z;
      v20 = sqrt(4.0 * x * x * y * y - v19 * v19) * 0.25;
      v21 = (v20 + v20) / (x + y + z) + -1.940035480806554e13;
      if ( v21 < 0.00001 && v21 > -0.00001 )
          v22 = x * y * z / (v20 * 4.0) + -4.777053952827391e13;
          if ( v22 < 0.00001 && v22 > -0.00001 )
              puts("Congratz, input is your flag");
  • Note that we must use the absolute value of constances in the equations to solve it. If you use the value that IDA decompiled we wont be able to solve it :v So to find the values I used gdb



    So the equations can be represents in Python like this


My friend solve the equations and its solution is

    y = 4064e4798769
    z = 56e0de138176

Finally the flag is: flag{391BC2164F0A-4064e4798769-56e0de138176}